Thursday, April 2, 2009

Find All SQL Server Stored Procedures Containing Table Reference

This a real quick and dirty approach for locating all procedures in a SQL Server (2000/2005/2008?) database that contain a reference to a table name, or any other database object or string for that matter.

use [db name]
select distinct
from syscomments c
inner join sysobjects o on =
where o.type = 'p'
and c.text like '%
[name of db object or string] %'
--and not like 'rpt_%'
order by

In the 'where' clause above the sysobjects.type field is limited to 'p' for [stored] procedure. Another common type I have been searching in lately is a function 'fn'. Someone compiled a helpful list of sysobject types, comparing SQL Server 2000, 2005, and 2008 here.

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